Bin Wang

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Scientist, PhD,
Aural & Language Intelligence Department (ALI),
Institute for Infocomm Research (I\(^2\)R),
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
Address: 1 Fusionopolis Way, #20-10, Connexis North Tower, Singapore 138632
Email: bwang28c [@] & wang_bin / [@]
[Google Scholar]    [GitHub]    [HuggingFace]    [LinkedIn]    [Twitter]


We are actively looking for candidates working on Multimodal LLMs (text, audio, vision, etc.).

  • Research Interns (6 months or above preferred),

    • SIPGA for international (master / undergraduate) students.

    • ARIA for Singaporean undergraduate students.

    • ARAP for international Ph.D. students attachment for 1-2 years.

    • Local students from NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, SIT, Polytechnic etc. please contact me directly for attachment to projects.

  • Ph.D. Students

  • Long-term Positions

    • Research Engineer / Scientist (Both engineering and research background are preferred.)

About Me

I am a scientist at Aural & Language Intelligence Department, I2R, A*STAR. Before joing that, I was a research fellow at National University of Singapore (NUS) working with Prof. Haizhou Li from 2021-2023. I received my Ph.D. degree from University of Southern California (USC) supervised by Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo in 2021. My bachelor's degree is obtained from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2017.
I am working on multimodal LLMs, specifically focusing on models that can comprehend, interact with, and respond effectively to humans.



My research focus including but not limited to:

  • Multimodal LLMs (Audio, Text, Vision)

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Conversatioal Systems

  • Generation AI

  • Representation Learning for Words, Sentences and (Knowledge) Graphs

Find out more.

Selected Publications

  1. Bin Wang, Xunlong Zou, Geyu Lin, Shuo Sun, Zhuohan Liu, Wenyu Zhang, Zhengyuan Liu, AiTi Aw, Nancy F. Chen. “AudioBench: A Universal Benchmark for Audio Large Language Models.” ArXiv, 2024. [paper], [code]

  2. Bin Wang, Zhengyuan Liu, Xin Huang, Fangkai Jiao, Yang Ding, AiTi Aw, Nancy F. Chen. “SeaEval for Multilingual Foundation Models: From Cross-Lingual Alignment to Cultural Reasoning.” NAACL, 2024. [paper], [code]

  3. Bin Wang, Chen Zhang, Yan Zhang, Yiming Chen and Haizhou Li. “Analyzing and Evaluating Faithfulness in Dialogue Summarization.” EMNLP, 2022. [paper], [code]

  4. Bin Wang, C.-C. Jay Kuo, and Haizhou Li. “Just Rank: Rethinking Evaluation with Word and Sentence Similarities.” ACL, 2022. [paper], [code]

  5. Bin Wang, Guangtao Wang, Jing Huang, Jiaxuan You, Jure Leskovec, and C.-C. Jay Kuo. “Inductive learning on commonsense knowledge graph completion.” IJCNN, 2021. [paper], [code]

  6. Bin Wang, and C.-C. Jay Kuo. “SBERT-WK: A sentence embedding method by dissecting bert-based word models.” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2020. [paper], [code]

  7. Bin Wang*, Angela Wang*, Fenxiao Chen, Yuncheng Wang, and C.-C. Jay Kuo. “Evaluating word embedding models: methods and experimental results.” APSIPA transactions on signal and information processing, 2019. [paper], [code]

Full list of publications.